Monday, 4 October 2010


I went to Kensington Garden to see Serpentine Gallery cafe and Anish Kapoor's structures last weekend.
Serpentine Gallery cafe

C-curve mirror. 
When you stand inf front of it, you can see the world upside-down.

This one was my favourite.
Red coloured round mirror stands in the pond and it reflects the sky in it.
I like the sky in different colour in water. It's strange, quiet, and beautiful.

Everyone's lookng it with curious.

Huge round mirror

I like his way of placing manmade object in natural environment. Like the colours of serpentine gallery, red and green, the contrast always make strong impact and attraction.

1 comment:

  1. i like your photo's kayoo!!! FOLOW ME @
    xoxo see you at school love
