Fine Art
I felt a bit scared and confused in first two weeks of Fine Art project. Everything was new and unclear for me, but after a week through watching what everyone's doing and talking to teachers, I tried to make it clear a little by little. I made an effort with the CRIT at the end of the project and I had fun through it.
My final work.
I made pattern from the photos of people I took in British Museum
to represent organized caos in random people.
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I think I had fun in this area:) Even if I can't say I've done good works in this class, I enjoyed making collages and taking photos for the projects. And I also excited when I saw the works of artists such as Paula Scher, Chris Dent, Miles Donovan, and Dominic Wilcox while I was researching them. In 'Sending message project' which is a project to send an unspoken message that have never said to someone, I could do what I wanted at the last.
I made a lamp shade to tell "Switch Off" to my housemate.
Each cutouts represents letters saying the message.
I got the idea from morse code which is a way of communication of ships in the sea using flash light. You can see the message while the light is on, but it disappears when you turn it off.
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