Saturday, 16 October 2010

End of third rotation

3D Spatial

3D map

   My third rotaion ended this week. I found this are as 'not bad.'
The first week was weird because I couldn't understand the point of the project. I made a structure, drew it several times, took photos of objects which presented some words, then turn the photos into drawings. I felt I was blind at the moment. But after I started making my new structures based on the drawings, it changed. I was enjoying building up my structure and gradually understood why I had to done the previous works for the project. This is the PROCESS, that teachers always repeat.
An object made without considering the process, it is a merely object even if it looks nice, it is meaningless. On the other hand, an object that has some history to end up with the shape itself, it has lots  of different and interesting perspectives to see it even if it is really simple. When I end up with the idea, I felt great and clear and my odd structures seem more attractive than before.

These were my first structures based on drawings.
I tried to put them together as many ways as I can to get the final idea.

I simplified the structure to make the final 3 structures for
 'walk through', 'to support', and 'to contain' by repeating them.
This is for 'walk through.'
I got the idea from one form of my structures and a gazebo from my research.
This is for ' to support.'
I got the idea from a photo of the first structure when I lined them up together
 and secondary when I saw piled chairs in a cafe.
This is for ' to contain.'
I accidentally got the idea when I was playing with my simplified structure 
and I thought it was good shape to keep my lunch sandwich safe.
But this one became my favourite and other students liked it as well.

However, I'm not sure if I did well in this rotation, getting the idea of how important the concept and process are will definitely be a big change for me. Making something by hand is interesting, but I can't say this would be my area to study for the rest of my course, so I will see what happens in the next rotation, Fashion and Textile.

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