After 8 weeks, working on all 4 rotations for 2 week each, I still couldn’t decide which area to go into. Fine Art and Fashion & Textile would not be my choice. I’m standing in the middle of split road, one is Visual Communication and the other is 3 Dimensional Spatial.
Before I start foundation course, the area I thought I would go into was definitely Visual Communication because that is what I wanted to study even I already finished economics diploma in a university in Japan. Actually, art was my favourite subject to do since I was little and I once wanted to specialize it in my high school or university, but I didn’t because I thought going straight into art was too risky for me to get job in the future, so I decided to study common subject in my school. When I was studying economics in my previous university, I majored influence of ways of advertising and promoting by corporations to economics. Then unique ideas of advertisements and fascination of posters reminded me my interest in art and made me inclined to create them myself. So I began to think about restart my life and specialize what I really like to do.
Fine art, it was my worst time ever. I couldn’t get how I have to work and what for, but I think it would be a little bit different if it was not my very first rotation. Fashion & textile, I kind of enjoyed it but still unclear how to work on it. I felt both rotations are too free for me because there is only me to decide how to work on each area. Though I think it is the good point of each area that I can work in my own way and speed, it doesn’t suit me because I like to work under somebody's direction, it helps me to clear my thought and how I have to work.
To be honest, I haven’t think about going into 3D spatial but I think it was the most successful rotation and also I really enjoyed it. For me, each works I’ve done in this rotation seemed clearly connected through the beginning to the end. I think I understand the meaning of working with PROCESS, which my teachers always say to us throughout doing the project. Though I really enjoyed this area, because I haven’t think about this area, not at all, it is a completely new area for me and I don’t know many 3D artists or how can I get job or what kinds of job are there in this area. And I’m scared that it would be a first and the last time that I did well in 3D rotation. Also I’m worried about if I can continue working in the area even if I'm not very interested in it. I can’t imagine my future here.
However I enjoyed the rotation of Visual Communication, I also found it difficult. Tutors told that this area is all about how many interesting ideas you can get and make a best choice to represent the idea in interesting ways. I thought I was not such a creative person who comes up with hundreds of various ideas. I'm not feeling good with my narrative project which was a first one of 2 projects, but I think it was because Vis Com was still early rotation just after I came out of darkness of Fine art rotation. I like my work of audience project which was the second of 2, because I could think about several ideas and I think I did my best to present my message. I got the idea of my final work from Dominic Wilcox and I realized that my favourite artists who always inspire me and make me excite are from Vis Com area. I like the art of Vis Com and I strongly think that I don’t want to leave from this, but I can’t say that would suit me. The things I like and things I’m good at are not always equal.
I hope this assessment helps me to make my final decision and take me out of my entire worrying days of thinking about future.