The first project after X'mas holiday was to make extra ordinary books.
I wanted to make something not flat, because books are usually 2D informations.
So I came up with an idea of making a 3D book, 'a book that gets bigger.'
When I started to think about the 3D book, I thought about children's book.
Children's book has less words, but clear information that is easy to understand for little kids
and I thought it connects to my idea of 3D book.
I tried to remember my childhood, what kinds of books I read, and what was exciting and interesting to me.
I really liked to read books of animal when I was little.
Because it was fun just looking at pictures of animal and imagine how they are big and how they move.
And dreamed about going to zoo and seeing the real ones.
So I thought if I could make 3D animal model in small scale, in a book.
But I had no knowledge of making pop-up books like Robert Sabuda or Paul Johnson.
Then I tried to make 3D object by 2Ds, by slices of 3D.
First idea in my sketchbook
making 3D model
It was a bit unclear to see it from top of it,
so I made some windows on the sides of the book.
you can see it from the windows too!!